Tuesday, October 26, 2010

I sorta made an impulsive decision.

So...in Seattle last week Leah said "Hey Ab you should get your nose pierced." So I did. I've always wanted to but never thought I would. I know the picture is sideways but I think you can still see it okay. Jake, Em, Abe, and Leah were all in the room when I got it pierced...like my dad always says, "The family that pierces together stays together." Right Mom? :)


_abe said...

right! and... you just missed it... we all got tats last night.

Sadie Leigh Wood said...

This suits you beautifully!

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking you took that saying out of context:) xxoo

Mandy said...

well. whats done is done. :) i freaked at first, but it is cute.

I really like to blog. Sometimes it's about what I'm learning, sometimes about what's going on in life, sometimes I share my heart, sometimes I share a funny story or video, and sometimes I complain. But it's me. I am me. I am just a lump of clay being molded daily by the One who holds my life in His hands.