Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Risk and change

So my goal of blogging more in this year of 2013 is not off to a great start. We'll blame it on grad school starting...and my unhealthy obsession with two...okay maybe three TV shows. But seriously...grad school has begun! It's an adventure and some days I'm not 100% sure why I decided to do this. BUT...I'm three weeks in and I've already learned a lot.

I have realized that although I have always had a hefty dose of hatred towards school, I really enjoy learning. I love knowing things and learning more. I've had to remind myself with these classes that I'm doing this because I want to do it, not because I have to. This is information I want to know and that will make me better. Not only better at my job, but also just a better me.

I finished up my first paper this weekend. After about every form of procrastination you can think of (I even cleaned...yikes!) I submitted all seven pages (I know that's really not that many) of my leadership development plan. For those of you that know me (and honestly that’s kind of a silly statement because the three of you that actually read this know me)...I enjoy things like this. I love any reason to become more self-aware and talk about strengths, weaknesses and goals hence I'm loving my leadership development class (well...for the most part).

I had to make goals for myself in this plan, based on a test I took that indicated my "weak" areas or as my professor calls them "my areas for growth". Those areas were basically centered around taking risks and adjusting to change. Lets be honest, this is not surprising. You will not see me being the first one to lead the change effort or being the first volunteer for a risky task, but I’m learning.

I’m learning that life is dynamic and change is inevitable. I can’t always control it, but I can control how I react to it. I’m learning risks can be good. I can’t be afraid to do something because I might fail. Sometimes you’ve gotta put yourself out there to really live and to accomplish your dreams and goals.

So…my lovely blog readers or the few of you that actually made it this far (thanks Mom) you have permission to ask me how I'm doing in these areas. Accountability is so important and putting these out there shows what I’m not good at (does that count as taking a risk?) and allows others to challenge me in those areas (which can result in change)…see I’m on my way to getting better already. J  So bring on the, “Hey Abby, how are you doing with this?” or the “Hey lets go do this…you may not be good at it, but that’s okay.” or the “Hey that was a big are you handling that?”

I am realizing I continue to grow and learn more about myself each day. I love this journey of life and in order to live it even more fully I think making goals to embrace change and to no longer fear risk is a step in the right direction. 

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I really like to blog. Sometimes it's about what I'm learning, sometimes about what's going on in life, sometimes I share my heart, sometimes I share a funny story or video, and sometimes I complain. But it's me. I am me. I am just a lump of clay being molded daily by the One who holds my life in His hands.