Saturday, March 3, 2012

Be Part of the Answer.

The other day I had a long conversation with a friend. We talked some about things she was going through, we talked about my day, we talked about how life can be hard and how it can suck. After we talked she looked at me and said, "Thank you. You just make me feel so much better." Or something to that effect and it got me thinking.

You see...I have been praying for this friend a lot lately. Praying that she would feel comfort and peace and know that she's going to be okay. I prayed that the Lord would cement in her heart his love for her and her friends and family love for her. After she said that to me I realized that God just used me to answer part of my own prayer. How many times do we pray and forget that we can be part of the answer? Prayer also requires action.

How many times do we pray for friends who are going through hard times to feel peace and comfort and understood? Do we really live our lives in ways that show we want to be part of the answering of these prayers? Do we ever pray this and forget we can pick up the phone, make a coffee date, or write an encouraging note to them? I know there's an extent where the practicality (is this a word?) runs out and there are wounds only the Lord can heal, but I'm convinced He can and wants to use us in that process.

I pray that the teenage girls I spend time with would feel loved, valued, and know their lives matter. Ever since realizing this I've now asked myself each day how can I be a part of showing them they feel loved, valued and that that they matter and praying God would use me.

So just ask yourself next time you find yourself praying for a friend, a family member, a co-worker or that stranger on the street corner. What can you do to be part of the answer? Praying that they would feel Christ's love for them? Show them love. Praying they would feel comfort? Give them a hug. Praying they will get out of their funk? Plan a fun day with them. Praying that man on the street corner would find a home? Buy the newspaper he's selling.

Are you truly praying in a way that you're ready for God to use you as part of the solution?

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I really like to blog. Sometimes it's about what I'm learning, sometimes about what's going on in life, sometimes I share my heart, sometimes I share a funny story or video, and sometimes I complain. But it's me. I am me. I am just a lump of clay being molded daily by the One who holds my life in His hands.